Living In Our Comfort Zone
Sometimes we end up doing things the same way. We get in a groove and we stay in it. Maybe we take the same route to work, or prepare the same foods.
Some of us avoid trying new things. Maybe we don’t want to “risk” making a mistake. Maybe it’s easier or more comfortable to stay with what is known.
What could happen if we tried something new?
Try to do something different – just one small thing.
Recently I experimented with a recipe. I found a pumpkin mix and decided I wanted to add in different ingredients (and kick up the nutrition). It was an experiment. Wasn’t sure how it would turn out…it could have been a flop. I played with it a bit, adjusted the liquid, and it ended up tasting GREAT. Its now a new favorite.
This wasn’t a big risk, just a little something different. One new thing to try. A small stretch with a dash of creativity.
Why try something new?
It’s possible to learn, grow, and even increase our skills and confidence by stepping outside our comfort zone.
While watching a televised dance competition, I heard a finalist say something that really stuck with me. The finalist was a well known performer. His situation? When he started the competition he didn’t know anything about dancing… but somehow he made the finals.
How did he do this?
– Lots of training and practice to build his skills.
– The courage to get out there and literally risk falling, or not hitting the mark, in front of millions of viewers.
– He was open to the feedback on how to change or adjust his approach so he could be more effective. And he kept getting better.
Basically he engaged in a process of learning and development.
The essence of what I heard him say was
From this process he gained CONFIDENCE.
He now KNOWS that if he could do this,
he could do anything.
What is something you would like to develop?
What one thing might you try? To learn, grow, stretch?
OK, I’ll consider taking a step… But what if I make a mistake or fail?
I hear you. It’s a challenge and it can seem like fear is telling us to stop. But what if it’s not a stop sign? What if it’s a yellow light – where we can proceed with caution? What would be possible if you tried? What could happen in your life, even after making a mistake?
Another way of looking at it is: What won’t happen if you don’t try? Is it worth it?? You make the call that is best for you. Here’s something to consider:
The Importance of action and practice
There was a class I was facilitating, it was an interviewing lab. Interview lab? This means, I would do a little bit of teaching at the beginning of class (a brief review of interview skills), and the rest of the class would be spent practicing interviewing skills and receiving feedback — so they could further develop their skills and strengthen their interview performance.
When it was time for the group to practice interviewing, there was a surge of questions. Turns out they were very nervous and were doing anything to NOT practice interviewing… even though they had signed up to practice.
Key Learning
Through this process I learned that even though they tried to avoid the practice in the lab (with just one more, two more, etc, questions) the kindest, most helpful thing I could do was to get them practicing.
They were nervous. Yes.
They feared the unknown. Yes.
And by delaying or avoiding the lab altogether, I would have done them a disservice.
By getting them in the lab:
– they learned they actually made it through. (“whoa this was scary at first, and so glad I did it“)
– they received constructive feedback that would help strengthen them and improve their skills.
And You?
With this in mind, what one small experiment can you try in your life?
To stretch yourself just a little… to grow… even to make a “mistake” and learn from it.
Maybe start with something small and build from there.
Call Angi @ 408-761-9458
© StrengthsMinded® 2013 – 2021